Vizo Morfotron

Physiological mechanism of somnological correction

Somnological correction device

With the help of the apparatus, a physiotherapeutic effect is exerted on the psychoemotional sphere of the human brain during physiological night sleep in the complex treatment of diseases and painful conditions associated with disorders in the psychoemotional sphere.

The device is designed for day and night use. In the daytime, it is recommended to use it for group and individual therapy in order to normalize daytime sleep and psycho-emotional relief. Individual use of the device is recommended at night.


Multiple sessions of light and sound therapy help improve the quality of sleep (deep sleep, pleasant dreams, easy awakening with a feeling of good rest and vigor), which leads to:

• restructuring and stabilization of the activity of various systems and organs, curing them from diseases;
• relaxation and normalization of the nervous system;
• restoring the physical strength of the body in a dream;
• removal of neuro-emotional stress;
• effective assimilation of the information received during the day;
• as a result increase in vitality and performance of the User.

"Morphotron-IV" advantages over already known devices for psychophysical light and sound correction:

• the device is used during the physiological sleep of the User, without loading the period of his wakefulness with the treatment process;
• light stimuli of the apparatus correspond in frequency to the range of delta-rhythms of the brain, which provides a higher efficiency of low-energy sound impact with guaranteed preservation of the state of sleep;
• the user is given the opportunity to adapt (in advance and during the course of treatment) the parameters of light and sound stimuli to their psychophysiological state.